December 2020

Good morning, Friends.

It has been a busy few weeks.  In the studio, we've had Shaan France, Nate Gray, and Lynzi Stringer all here at various times to lay down tracks for the upcoming LP - Quarantine Hygiene.  I'm…

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Halloween Updates

Yo.  Fierce productivity in the studio lately.  Several rather big projects in the works.  All of which, should be launching soon... next on the list is 'Excuse Me' for String Quartet.  Several members of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra were kind…

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Robots of Gaia - First Week - and Updates

Good morning, Friends -  

I can't thank you all enough for checking out 'Robots of Gaia'.  We had a fantastic album release week.  Between the top platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, and Bandcamp), we have had over 1000 streams…

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New Single Release - Ollie

The first single from 'Robots of Gaia' is now available on all your favorite streaming services.  A reggae version of an old classic called 'Ollie' - hope you enjoy!



Robots of Gaia tracking = Completed!

Hello Friends and Robot lovers,

I'm excited to report that the tracking for my next album "Robots of Gaia" has been completed!  AND, I just finished one of the first videos for this project... check it out below:


The Robots are coming, the Robots are coming....

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

The 'Robots of Gaia' project is more than half way finished.  There is still a little tracking left to do - clarinet, flute, alto sax, a few drum tracks, and a few vocal tracks.  That said, this…

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Marshmallow People - Short Film/Video

Finally - the 'Marshmallow People' video is complete.  Originally, I had intended this to be a short film, however throughout the editing process, it really ended up being more of a music video.  The music from the album 'Marshmallow People'…

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New Album Available - Marshmallow People

I don't always wrap CD's, but when I do it's with marshmallow wrapping paper for my 'Kickstarter crew'!  It is officially here, and available!  Our pre-order campaign through 'Kickstarter' was a success, and now the album 'Marshmallow People' can be…

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Marshmallow People available for PRE-ORDER!

It's finally here, folks!  I have created a couple of different options/packages for purchase through my KickStarter campaign.  This was a very special one for me, the song writing on the album span 15 years!  Some of the songs date…

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The Squirrel Soup Sessions - now available in CD format

Howdy, Friends. It's here, The Squirrel Soup Sessions on CD. If you like weird ambient music, cool artwork, and the novelty/collectibility of a physical product, then now is your chance! Thanks for supporting independent music. Enjoy the weekend, cheers.